LookBooks and ThinkBooks



Here is the stack of books that sits under the kitchen counter on the stool closest to the door that leads to the deck. This glorious, ever-changing heap of happiness plus a Zen iced tea are about all it takes to transport me to paradise. Oh, do add some sunshine!


The book that’s hardest to see, in the stack, is this lovely inspiration from Jan Messent. It is a stunner! I’ll just shoot some random pages for you to see, below:






Every single page in this LARGE book is gorgeous, and the work in each photo would have taken me months to complete (if I could have even conceived of it!!). Each book in this stack is worthy of an afternoon in the sun and a lifetime of creativity.

If this first stack could be called “Lookbooks”, the second would be “Thinkbooks”.


My stacks are soaring, and the stool is sagging . Could we PLEASE have some sun?


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