Needlepoint and 3-ply Persian wool yarn has always been a part of Florilegium and we offer this small example of new pieces and antique pieces for inspiration to “fuel your creative fire”. Product Pages are below.
Needlepoint Canvas – Colonial / Paternayan Persian Wool Yarn – Canvas Calculations Hand Painted Canvasses
Needlepoint Canvasses at Florilegium:
- Finished NP Gretchen
- Finished NP Gretchen
- Finished NP Gretchen
- LOVE Bluebird Canvas $295
- love you heart Canvas $135
- Hand Painted Canvas – J Allen
- Hand Painted Canvas – J Allen
- Hand Painted Canvas – J Allen
- Hand Painted Canvas – J Allen
Needlepoint Around the House:
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Framed Needlepoint
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin NP Pillow
- Needlepoint Pillow
- Victorian Needlepoint
- we love checkers
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Checkers Projects
- Closeup of Bargello pieces
- Needlepoint (18″ Canvass)
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint AntiqueBerlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Victoria Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antiquen Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antique
- Victorian Needlepoint
Needlepoint Projects and inspiration:
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Checkers Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Closeup of Bargello pieces
- Needlepoint (18″ Canvass)
- Berlin WoolworkChart
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Victoria Berlin Woolwork Needlepoint Antiquen Needlepoint
- Victorian Needlepoint
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Antique NPoint Purse
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Gretchen’s Projects
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
- Berlin Woolwork Antique
Gretchen’s Needlepoint Case:
3-Ply Persian Wool Paternayan / Colonial Yarn:
- Original Paternayan Purse by Gretchen
- Yarn at Florilegium
- Colonial / Florilegium Paternayan Wall
- Colonial / Paternayan 3-Ply Persian Yarn
- Colonial / Paternayan 3-Ply Persian Yarn