A long time ago, in a much different lifetime, I fell in love with needlepoint. Not the kits from the craft store, or the very expensive stitch-painted canvases that cost hundreds to work and more to finish.
I wanted to do my own thing. So, I painted my own canvases and worked them with very simple materials and stitches.
I made rugs and pillows and clothing.
They were loaded with fish and flowers and butterflies.
Oh, and color! They were loaded with color.
The ideas came faster than I could work them. (Well, I had two young children and a full-time job. Excuse or explanation? It doesn’t matter.)
So, some of my flowers never got to bloom. They have been dormant in the closet in the studio for a very long time. Today I fished them out…
..along with the very first project I designed after resigning from my full-time career. Forever. And I found much more than a bunch of old, half-finished, not very good projects. I found a piece of myself that’s been missing too long. The memory of the satisfaction I felt doing these came rushing back. An avalanche of new ideas poured forth. And, although time is short for a different reason, now…I will happily fill much of it with needlepoint!
Too, too familiar! One of the first things I did upon retiring was dig out all those Kaffee Fasset needlepoint kits and a few others and finish them. Now I have a big pile of canvases that need to be made into pillows! And I’ve bought canvas so I can paint my own designs! Ain’t retirement great?
I have a bunch of Kaffe ones, too! I forgot about those. He is my hero, but I’m so happy to hear you’re painting your own. That’s the best experience of all. I’d love to see what you’re doing, Jeanette! Send us a pic!!!